I left the subway to the rising crescendo of Karaoke projected over concert-sized speakers, I walked through the underground mall, devoid of any life, people merely scurrying to and from their destinations like rats in a sewer. I return from belowground to the outside air, a fresh breath of sewer greets me and I can’t help but smile. I walk a few blocks and see a large shopping area, I cross the street and begin walking down the street. The sound of music blares out of every available hole in this large, well-lit alley. As I walk further down the street the crush of humanity comes towards me, touches me, carries me on its wave. Each person secluded in their own existence, each person seeking their own outlet for their desires. The music begins to blare back and forth, louder and louder, finally reaching a crescendo, papers are thrust into my hands and my head begins to swirl. I spot a Starbucks and try to make my way towards it but I’m swept on further past the Starbucks. I see another coffee shop and begin to plan my escape to it. I cut across the wave leaving a swath of self-righteous indignant persons in my path. I finally reach the safety of the staircase and turn to look back. Behind me the human wave has closed and the people have passed on their respective ways.