Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rainy Days

The rain here is soo beautiful! I cannot believe how much rain happens in this place! It's like I need water wingys just to walk to work! The water courses down the street in rivers and floods from the sky in torrential downpours! Incredible! Especially considering I haven't really seen anything the even resembles rain like this in my 22 years of life. In Utah it's considered a flash flood if we get 2 inches of rain a day, here that much happens in the first hour!

One good thing about the Korean habit of taking your outside shoes off at the door and exchanging them for slippers (yes, I have a pair of black flats that I use, i frequently feel as though i'm wandering about in my socks) is that the school certainly stays dry and clean! I suppose this is another reason in the positive for the kids cleaning the school, they feel less inclined to bring dirt and water into the classrooms... But imagine how upsetting for a college graduate from Utah when I was informed I wasn't allowed to wear my shoes into the school and that NOT wearing socks was an absolute insult! Good thing I packed my lacy flats socks at the last minute! I think it's pretty great the way the Koreans think about dirt and grime, you don't bring it into the house. Period. Whenever I enter a restaurant (the more fancy ones), you leave your shoes at the door and go about in your socks. At the school you leave your outside shoes for your inside shoes, if you are a visitor there are sandals just for you! It's pretty funny wandering about in my socks and bare feet but it also feels pretty good.

Just another fun contradiction from my previous life.

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