Monday, March 21, 2011


So, like you all know (because I bothered you to make me a video!) my kids and I are talking about superheroes this month. We walked through a worksheet detailing, organizing, and creating the superhero that all my kids wanted to be. At the end of the period I had a couple kids stand up and tell the class about their superhero, one of my smaller boys stood up a little shakily, glanced around the room, took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and began to speak. There was nothing unusual about his superhero, in fact it wasn't really a superhero at all! Instead this boy was describing a normal human being, as he was nearing the end andI was beginning to wonder how this child had gone so dramatically wrong within the confines of my assignment when he concluded his presentation by saying,

My superhero normal is, BUT he can fist when attacked.

He glanced solemnly about him, his friends agreeing with him by solemnly shaking their head and furrowing their brows. I stared around the room before biting back my laughter.

I mean...isn't that just a punch?
Well, whatever I guess!


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