Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Exhausted...but pleased.

I feel for summer camp counselors and teachers. They honestly have the hardest job in the world. Being a  teacher is the single most exhausting thing i've ever done in my very short life, harder in ways than finals and midterm weeks, harder than my first date, more nerve wracking than my first kiss, my driver's license test, my math grades being posted, or even more difficult than my first heart wrenching breakup. I come home every single night at 4:30 absolutely exhausted. I lay down on my bed (fall face first actually) and just lay there for a while, letting the blessed AC wash over my overheated body, reflecting on my day. What I did well, what I did wrong, what I can change, how I should react next time, etc. I have never spent so much time (well...maybe the WHOLE college experience) dwelling on one thing in my entire life. My days are filled with thoughts of these small nuisances I call students and pretty much nothing else. I plan lessons in the mornings, at work, in the evenings as I de-stress, hell I plan lessons in my sleep. It's exhausting, but so rewarding. The smiles on their faces as they get something right and i'm able to congratulate them! Not only do I enjoy watching them grow and learn but I also LOVE learning from THEM. They teach me so much about life as a Korean- the right and wrong ways to handle and approach situations not to amazing Korean slang words! I owe these children my best and so i'll continue to sacrifice my sleep to them (grudging though it may be at times).

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