Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Social Death of C.C

I was walking back to the teachers lounge from lunch when a woman stopped me by bellering (in her politely quiet, yet zealous Korean manner) "Excusah Me! Excusah me!" and grabbing my arm in earnest (this is common so i'm not really surprised that happened). She than proceeded to  introduce herself to me, I caught "...mun...Cha" Now, i'm certain that's not her name, there  were too many missed syllables, she then informed me that her son was in 3rd grade (middle school, grade three, the equivalent of 8th or 9th grade in the states) and that he was going to study English in high school. I smiled politely, wondering where this was headed. She grabbed a student out of the filled hallway and gabbled something, I deduced she was requesting he go find her son (this was all established to my horror and the students aparent delight). With her fingers still clenched about my upper arm she began gabbling at me in fluent Korean. My eyes began to glaze over and my smile took on a fixed position, halfway between a smile and a grimace. After about a minute of complete misunderstanding the condemned child (now known as C.C.) was pushed forward by a large group of his peers, all smiling insanely, beady eyes glinting in sheer amusement. C.C blushed bright red, and looked at the floor, his peers stifled giggles, and his mother introduced us (I am merely postulating here as I have no idea what she actually said). She than grabbed both our hands and smashed them together in a forced handshake. I smiled and looked at the floor politely slowly saying the correct American greeting, C.C blushed an even brighter pink than before and mumbled something else in korean, his mother beamed and released our hands. That was the last I saw of C.C as he was swallowed up by his peers and scurried away through the halls. C.C's mother beamed at me, I offered thanks for the introduction, thanks for tracking me down, and then made my departure. On my way to the teachers lounge I saw C.C overwhelmed in the midst of a crowd of hysterical heathen children...poor kid.

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