Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm a Teacher! I'm a Teacher!

I'M A TEACHER!! Now, I realize that this may seem odd to you, "Molly, you've been a teacher for nearly two months now...right?" Well let me explain, i've had the TITLE teacher for nearly two months, but my confidence in my "teaching abilities" has been next to nothing; as a one-time contemplater of "student for life" I KNOW good teachers, and I know bad teachers. There are always those teachers that make the best out of things, that can inspire you to enjoy something as drab as 18th century catholic virgin poetry; and there are those teachers that make even cannibalism as boring as a stretch of unpainted canvas. I worried I was in the latter half of this equation; thankfully it turns out i'm not. As I sit here pondering what I should create for my lessons for next week I realized that I have not been given a book, i'm not required or asked to do anything, and the hope of a curriculum is...well...ludicrous. So I sat and pondered what this meant, and I came up with nothing. How depressing, so I went to class. When I returned from class my co-teacher Eunyeong said to me "Molly, the first grade teachers wanted you to teach the discussion from the book but they've changed their minds." My heart began beating quickly, I thought to myself "OH no, they hate me, they hate my teaching, i'm a failure, a disaster, why am I here? I should go home and stick my head in a hole." Eunyeong continued, "They like what you have been teaching, they find it so interesting, and they enjoy your teaching style so much that they want you to teach whatever you want. Just  keep doing what you're doing." Stunned disbelief registered on my face. I thought, "They actually like me!" I smiled and giggled, Eunyeong stared at me in confusion and I attempted to explain the giggle, but how do you explain a giggle of joy and disbelief?? Needless to say she missed the point entirely, oh well, that's common around here.


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