Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I decided that I finally needed to take up the gauntlet and climb Mount Muhaksan, aka that big lump of rocks that sits between my quaint city of Jungri and the neon light college district known as Daccurri. I'm not exactly sure what I expected when I set out on this trek yesterday afternoon, but what developed was, at the very least, detrimental to the wellbeing of my butt. Now this may seem a bit bizarre, "Your butt you say?" and my response is definintely, "Yes, my butt."

I got on the bus in front of the Lotte Martuh and went to Daccurri, I disembarked at the Mcdonalduhs and began my trek. Since I didn't really want to spend that 4,000W to get a taxi to the start of the mountain I trekked up there with my feet. Now this may not seem like too much of a problem until you realize that I had to traverse the length of Kyongnam University and that the University is literally straight up and down. Once I arrived panting and heaving at the start (mind you START) of the mountain trail I turned around to look at Daccurri splayed out before me. I could see the harbor in the distance and the city much closer. A light fog veiled the uglier parts of the city and the overall view was spectacular!
I started out on the path, as I was walking up the grueling trail, stopping every few minutes to heave air into my poor lungs I realized that while I was breathing like a dying dinosaur these osteoperosis riddled Ajummas (Korean grandmas, or Adjumamas as my friend Claire would say) were trundling right on by me! BEASTS! I was instantly humbled. These woman were incredible, talking full speed, while tackling a mountain that was literally straight up and down while passing a panting waygookin (foreigner). Wow, just wow.

After about an hour and a half of grueling uphill hiking I finally summited...something. I'm definitely convinced I didn't make it much farther than the first minor hill but I felt as though I were Queen of the world! I sat down, pulled out my book and began to read. Sitting there in the woods, separated from the hustle and neon lights of Korea I remember WHY I love mountain biking and hiking! It's so peaceful! Silly me for forgetting. Anyway, I finished up and began my laborious trek down the mountainside.

I was about halfway down the mountain when I encountered a particularly tricky bit of climbing, there were branches placed into the mountainside much like stairs to help those silly foreigners like myself, who are obviously not as nimble and agile as the ajumamas, down the mountainside. As I was carefully placing my feet, one after another on the steep slopes, head bowed, thoroughly concentrating on my task when suddenly I heard, "JOESHIMAY!!" ( BE CAREFUL!) I stopped, panicked, looked up like a startled deer, lost my balance, slipped ever so slightly, and sat down straight on my butt. That caused my feet to slip out from underneath me, thus careening me straight down the more technical part of this trail (bump bump bump over the stairs) and straight into a thorny bush.

I began picking myself up as an Adjoshi (Grandpa) came hobbling over to me, muttering in Korean the whole time. He picked me up by the left arm, man was he STRONG for someone who looks as though I could snap him in half with my left hand, and promptly began to scold me in Korean. I didn't catch half of what he said but I said I was ok and began dusting myself off. He snarled something at me in korean and began dusting me off himself. I tuned into what he was saying and he just kept repeating, "babo weigookin. joeshimay." (Stupid foreigner. Be careful.) I thanked him politely for helping me and continued on my way.

I am, however, CONVINCED that had he not bellered JOESHIMAY!! As though there was some sort of snake or other large predatory animal stalking me that I would not have fallen, thus endangering the wellfare of my butt. I love Korealand because the people are so very nice and will go out of their way to help me, but sometimes they are just too helpful!

Oh my poor poor butt!


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